Embracing Solitude and Self-Worth: A Journey Towards Personal Freedom

Today, I woke up enveloped in gratitude, feeling the deep and abiding love of God. It was one of those mornings where you feel untouchable, ambitious, and powerful.

There’s a kind of freedom that comes not just from knowing you are loved, but from acting on that knowledge in ways that honour your true self.

I realised something vital today: it’s better to be alone than to be with someone who tries to diminish your spirit.

We often encounter people who tell us we’re not good enough and urge us to change to fit into their narrative of who we should be.

But this morning, I chose to reject that notion. I believe in my intrinsic worth and the unique path I am meant to follow.

In this decision lies a powerful, introspective lesson: we do not need to change our core selves to gain someone’s approval or love. The right people, the ones truly meant for us, will encourage us not to shrink but to expand in all our authentic glory.

So here’s to choosing solitude over toxic relationships. Here’s to waking up feeling ambitious about our own lives and our capabilities. Here’s to living free from the bondage of others’ negative perceptions and embracing the freedom of our own self-approval.

In my journey, I’ve encountered many beautiful women who struggle to love themselves fully, particularly in the way they nourish their bodies. They express love towards me, but I often ponder how one can truly offer love to another without first embracing self-love.

True love for oneself is a profound foundation, empowering us to make choices that reflect our best interests, including the food we choose to fuel our bodies with.

I yearn for these women to harness their willpower and strive to become their greatest versions, not shaped by societal expectations but molded by their divine essence as intended by creation.

It’s a challenging path, yet I remain hopeful. I believe there is a woman out there who can rise to her true potential, a woman whose greatness will inspire me to reach my own heights.

In many spiritual teachings, including those that honour the Mashiach, the elevation of Mary alongside her son exemplifies the belief that a man’s greatness is indeed influenced by the women in his life.

Thus, I hold onto the hope of finding someone who not only seeks her best self but also encourages me to achieve the same.

“I hope you found this perspective enlightening. We can only change ourselves; we cannot change anyone else. I am who I am, not who you want me to be. I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not. That’s a fact.”
