The Seed of Existence: A Reflection on Creation and Belief

Is the Most High Elohim real? I ask myself, am I real? Is this world real? Is the breath that I breathe real? I can’t see it, but is it real?

Imagine a seed that they buried. They bury the dead, but it’s rebirth to a seed. Out of the seed, a tree grows, and that tree will bear fruits, and those fruits will bear seeds, and those seeds will bear trees 🌳 and so on.

500,000 million trees later, those fruits now ask, is God real? From out of one, you came; would not the first seed be God?

But who created that seed? They say it was the Hashem, the Hashema, who was made in the image of his mother. Anything beyond this is learned when we return back to the source, beyond the holographic universe. That place, what is the cousin of dreams, inside the dark murky waters, inside the womb of wisdom, where creations manifested inside our brain 🧠, is where we actually exist as thought. Do you believe in thoughts? And where do they stem from?

Isn’t water the life force, the water of life? Aren’t we 85% water and blood that runs through the body, our veins? Did we not breathe underwater in Yah mamma’s womb for 9 months when you were all-knowing before you came here? You could swim and speak to the Most Highs at will.

The question is, we get distracted from this way of thinking, or a better word, remembering. We have been brain-drained, trained to forget, worship things outside of ourselves. God being in the sky outside of us instead of inside of us, inside your heart, God exists. They call God love in some places. I’ve come to a conclusion that love is God, and when we make love or make God.

We co-create like the Bible says we are in the Image of God. Everybody believes in God, unbeknownst to them. It takes skill not to believe in God; it’s just like love. We call God different names. God is everywhere, in everyone and everything. Those that vibrate high see God; those that vibrate low see the devil. It’s a difference in vibration and chakras inside us and perspective. Those who call themselves atheist, you pull a gun to their head, the atheist’s first thing they say is, “Oh my God, I don’t wanna die.” If you don’t believe in God, you don’t believe in yourself, like a fruit not believing in the very tree it came from.

Reconnecting with Our Inner Selves

To reconnect with our inner selves, we must embark on a journey of self-discovery and mindfulness. This path involves:

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Cultivating awareness of our thoughts and feelings through meditation.
  2. Reflection and Journaling: Understanding our innermost desires and fears by reflecting and journaling.
  3. Nature and Solitude: Seeking tranquility in nature and solitude for introspection.
  4. Creative Expression: Using creative activities as a release for emotions and thoughts.
  5. Physical Activity: Engaging in physical exercise to release tension and stress.
  6. Healthy Living: Supporting a healthy mind with a healthy body through sleep, nutrition, and hydration.
  7. Disconnecting: Taking breaks from technology to focus on our own thoughts and feelings.
  8. Therapy and Counseling: Gaining insights and tools from professionals to understand ourselves better.
  9. Spiritual Practices: Exploring spiritual practices that resonate with us.
  10. Community and Relationships: Fostering positive relationships that encourage growth.

Hope you enjoyed my perspective of the creator, regardless of religion, just on a common sense level everyone everywhere can relate to. Another thing to consider: God made all flavors in fruits and spices from a seed, a beautiful artist. Look at all his creations, including yourself, on your journey. Think how great you and I are, but the creator who created everything is great. Many have come in the name to preach the good word, so everyone can stop arguing over the books, but just stop and look within for a minute. Take a deep breath, step into zen mode, relax yourself, and see with a new perspective. Ask the Most High to show you the way, just like a brand new baby arrives. That child knows God until it goes to school and gets brain dirty. We need to tap back into the source and get our brain clean again, brainwashed the right way, the righteous way.

As you continue to embark on your journey into the tapestry of yourself, I wish you find truth. Subscribe to this channel because here we unlock different perspectives inside your mind for you to then continue your journey with a brand new perspective. Thanks for reading the article

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