“Echoes of Creation: A Poetic Journey”

In the beginning, a seed was sown,
A question asked in hushed, reverent tone.
Is the Most High real, or just a dream?
Is life but a whisper, a silent scream?

We are the fruits of an ancient tree,
Rooted in mystery, yearning to be free.
From one small seed, the forests grow,
Branches reaching high, roots deep below.

The Hashem's breath, a divine spark,
Gave life to the seed in the primordial dark.
In His image, we were formed and made,
To seek the truth, not to be afraid.

We are water, we are life,
Flowing through the veins of strife.
In the womb, we knew the divine,
A connection pure, a sacred sign.

Yet, we wander, lost, forgetful souls,
Chasing shadows, falling into holes.
But within us burns a steadfast light,
Guiding us through the darkest night.

Love is God, and God is love,
A truth that fits us like a glove.
In every heart, this light resides,
A force by which our spirit abides.

The atheist cries in the face of fear,
"Oh my God," the truth draws near.
For in each of us, the divine does dwell,
In every atom, it rings like a bell.

So let us remember, let us find,
The source of love, the truth unbind.
Look within, not to the skies,
For in your heart, the answer lies.

Reconnect with self, with breath, with life,
Step into zen, let go of strife.
The journey's long, the path is steep,
But in your soul, the answers sleep.

Subscribe, embark, on this quest so bold,
To unlock the mind, the heart unfold.
For in you lies the tapestry grand,
A story written by the Creator's hand.

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